Saturday, April 7, 2012


Summer is one season we always look to but we are always scared of the sun's harmful effect to our skin. We have many ways to fight it and here are some of it: 

1.Routine Face Cleansing. Cleansing your face at least twice a day with your trusted product will make your skin looks healthy and looking great. It will also prevent any skin problems related to dirt accumulation and clogging of pores. When choosing the right product to use, always ask your doctor if your skin is so sensitive. It’s really dangerous if the product is not suited for you. For those who are into organic methods lemon juice, papaya leaves, honey, and other materials have proven to work but then again be careful.

2. HYDRATION. The sun really heats up the earth now and a lot of water escapes our body through sweating. Your body needs much water than it needed during other months. Dry skin is not good so you should better drink at least eight glasses of water a day. If you have enough hydration you don’t need moisturizer.

3. Moisturize. If you have dry skin, you need to make sure that your face is getting the moisture it needs. If water enough water intake couldn’t solve your problem, use a gentle moisturizer to keep your skin feeling soft and glowing. Your lips is also part of your face, you can moisturize it using sugar and water solution. Sugar removes dead cells and rejuvenates the lips. Chapstick could also help but don’t use too much of it. It has chemicals that could break your lips. Again, if your face is sensitive, ask your doctor.

4. Use sunscreen every day. If you can’t avoid going out during 9am-4pm, use sunscreen.  The sun radiates Ultraviolet rays that damage our skin over time. Protect your face from harmful radiation. Sunscreens or other make ups which has Spf absorbs or reflects some of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation on the skin when you are exposed to sunlight and thus helps protect against sunburn.


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